On-demand Staffing Solutions at your fingertips.

Verified. Trusted.

On-demand staffing solutions at your fingertips.

Getting Staff Made Easier

JobleticsPro will take care of the posting, recruiting, screening and paperwork, including insurance and payroll, so that you can focus on the success of your business.
Interviewing and Vetting
Task Management
Shift Clock-in and Out
Reviews and Ratings
Shift Payment Processing
Payroll Processing
Rewards and Recognition
Interviewing and Vetting
Task Management
Shift Clock-in and Out
Reviews and Ratings
Shift Payment Processing
Payroll Processing
Rewards and Recognition

Streamlined Job Matching

Improved Job Seeking Experience

Pre-Screened And Background Checked

Using industry-standard psychological interview processes and AI-driven methods, Jobletics sorts through thousands of applications each week to intelligently find the best fit for your business.

Create And Manage Orders

You can create shifts on a recurring basis or on-the-go to manage all your staffing needs. Weekly reports available to provide you with visibility into your orders. Book shifts up to 3 hours in advance.

Build Your Team

All Jobletics professionals are great, but there's nothing wrong with calling back the Jobletes you've enjoyed working with.

You can rate, review, and rank all of the professionals you've worked with right in the app

Dedicated Support

A "customer-first" approach is crucial to staffing success. Behind the technology of the Jobletics app is a competent support team ready to help with whatever you need. Call, text, or email - right from the appSupport team available 24/7.

We have strong presence in these areas

JobleticsPro has strong footprints in these states.

Thousands of highly-vetted workers across diverse sectors to fulfil your staffing requirements.

Food Service
General Labor
Customer Service
Data Entry

What people are saying!

Juliette Woodruff, Production Manager at
We really love the app. It is really easy to use, great to rate, I love that you guys just send an automatic receipt one we've checked out. That's really easy, we haven't had any issues.
Tony Cascino, Exec. Chef, Dir.
Culinary Operations, Dir. Nutrition Analysis at
This site is a game changer, and we actually re-structured how we staff here because of your app. Speaking from someone that has been running restaurants and catering for 25 years as an Exec Chef, staffing and last minute changes are the hardest to figure out.
David Harnik, Owner of
I have to find the time to meet with you! Your staff was great today! Thanks for your help! Yep, it's a four exclamation mark email!
JJ Frosk, Owner of
The Joblete they sent over was super great! Super helpful and on time.Everything worked out well.
Matt D'Alessio, Owner of
Amsterdam Falafel Shop
Jobletics has allowed our small restaurant operation to handle larger catering orderswhen we otherwise wouldn't have the production bandwidth and would have to decine business. We also typically operate with a small core team of staff who are busy throughout the week with second jobs or school and family commitments: we don't have a large team of on-call personnel; Jobletics keeps our services
running smoothly if scheduling gaps arise with our core squad.
Josh Lewin, Co-owner of
The experience with Jobletics was really wonderful. Clutch. Key. Saved our weekend.We are very pleased and I've already recommended  to a handful of friends. Results way above expectations!
We really love the app. It is really easy to use, great to rate, I love that you guys just send an automatic receipt one we've checked out. That's really easy, we haven't had any issues.
Juliette Woodruff, Production Manager at
We really love the app. It is really easy to use, great to rate, I love that you guys just send an automatic receipt one we've checked out.That's really easy, we haven't had any issues.
Juliette Woodruff, Production Manager at
This site is a game changer, and we actually re-structured how we staff here because of your app. Speaking from someone that has been running restaurants and catering for 25 years as an Exec Chef, staffing and last minute changes are the hardest to figure out.
Tony Cascino, Exec. Chef, Dir. Culinary Operations, Dir. Nutrition Analysis at
I have to find the time to meet with you! Your staff was great today! Thanks for your help! Yep, it's a four exclamation mark email!
David Harnik, Owner of
The Joblete they sent over was super great! Super helpful and on time.Everything worked out well.
JJ Frosk, Owner of
Jobletics has allowed our small restaurant operation to handle larger catering orderswhen we otherwise wouldn't have the production bandwidth and would have to decine business. We also typically operate with a small core team of staff who are busy throughout the week with second jobs or school and family commitments: we don't have a large team of on-call personnel.
Matt D'Alessio, Owner of
Amsterdam Falafel Shop
The experience with Jobletics was really wonderful. Clutch. Key. Saved our weekend.We are very pleased and I've already recommended  to a handful of friends. Results way above expectations!
Josh Lewin, Co-owner of
We really love the app. It is really easy to use, great to rate, I love that you guys just send an automatic receipt one we've checked out. That's really easy, we haven't had any issues.
Juliette Woodruff, Production Manager at
I have to find the time to meet with you! Your staff was great today! Thanks for your help! Yep, it's a four exclamation mark email!
David Harnik, Owner of
The Joblete they sent over was super great! Super helpful and on time.Everything worked out well.
JJ Frosk, Owner of
We really love the app. It is really easy to use, great to rate, I love that you guys just send an automatic receipt one we've checked out. That's really easy, we haven't had any issues.
Juliette Woodruff, Production Manager at

Uniting employers and cultured talent for common goals

Download JobleticsPro app now


What is JobleticsPro?

JobleticsPro is a fast growing food-tech startup that works with hundreds of foodservice businesses to help them meet their staffing needs. Our goal is to help your business eliminate staffing challenges so that you can focus on everything else that matters to the success of your business. We hire highly vetted foodservice and hospitality professionals who are available to you at affordable rates and at your demand. You can create shifts through the JobleticsPro app and request cooks, servers, bussers, hosts, dishwashers, and utility workers as little as three hours in advance of when you need them to show up to work.

What kind of professionals can I order through JobleticsPro?

You can order experienced prep cooks, line cooks, servers, bussers, hosts, dishwashers, and utility workers through the JobleticsPro app to meet all of your various staffing needs.

What should I know about JobleticsPro professionals?

JobleticsPro takes care of all the preliminary steps. All you need to do is create a shift and expect a professional and competent worker to show up at your business! JobleticsPro' professionals (called Jobletes) are background-checked and full W-2 employees of JobleticsPro. We take care of all of the interviewing and paperwork so that all you have left to worry about is showing your Joblete their tasks for the day. All Jobletes go through a thorough behavioral and skill-based interview, so you can be confident that the worker showing up to your business is reliable, a team-player, and qualified to do the job-types you have requested help with.

What are some ways businesses use JobleticsPro?

Businesses use JobleticsPro in a variety of capacities. Some businesses create recurring shifts with JobleticsPro at times when they know they need extra support. Others use us to help in the case of last-minute no-shows or unanticipated busy times. After each shift you complete with JobleticsPro, you will be able to review all of the Jobletes who worked for you. Through this, you can create your own preferred pool of JobleticsPro professionals and see them regularly.

How does it work?

Our job matching algorithm aligns your qualifications with our clients’ requirements. Your StafflinePro™ account assigns you a dedicated recruiter that keeps you informed. Take 5 minutes to set up your StafflinePro™ profile for an improved job search experience.

Keep track of applications.

Keep track of applications, set up interviews and get hired using a single app across all devices.

Are you ready for your next career move?

Update your status and get a head start on the search.

Do you know other qualified jobseekers?

Refer them to earn rewards if they are hired.

How does it work?

Our job matching algorithm aligns your qualifications with our clients’ requirements. Your StafflinePro™ account assigns you a dedicated recruiter that keeps you informed. Take 5 minutes to set up your StafflinePro™ profile for an improved job search experience.

Keep track of applications.

Keep track of applications, set up interviews and get hired using a single app across all devices.

Are you ready for your next career move?

Update your status and get a head start on the search.

Do you know other qualified jobseekers?

Refer them to earn rewards if they are hired.

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